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Why Nashua Builders

You don't mess around.
We don't mess around.

How do we build lifelong client relationships? Simple. We deliver what we say we're going to deliver. Module after module. Project after project. Year after year.


It helps that we we work with your project team to fine tune plans, then build a prototype that you, your design team, and GC/CM can walk through to verify we've built everything just right.

If honesty and consistency are important to you, give us call. We're probably a good fit for the way you work.  

“We were looking for was someone who was trustworthy. We found Nashua was very ethical and above board. We loved their core values and knew we could trust them.”
Hank Van Weelden, VP
Alta-Fab, Canada

Start making
money sooner.

Our unique process combined with our high-capacity manufacturing means you open sooner, with less capital risk:

  • Resorts can complete construction of new accommodations within a short summer build window and open on time for ski season

  • Multi-family housing owners can start generating rental income months earlier

  • Townhome communities can close sales and welcome homeowners sooner

"The build season up here in the mountains is short. Snow is still on the ground in June. But Nashua built off-site over the winter and spring. Now we're adding 163 rooms to our resort this summer. The quality of work is as good or better than we've ever seen. And with the accelerated schedule, we'll be putting heads in beds and cash in the bank this upcoming ski season."

Don't worry about bad weather spoiling materials. Forget about labor shortages that cause costly delays. Escape the cycle of unending change orders that dog conventional construction projects.

Instead, build in a dry, controlled environment with a stable, experienced workforce. And capitalize on the consistency and repeatability of modular fabrication that improves quality while avoiding budget overruns.

Kiss budget
headaches goodbye.

“Nashua Builders use the highest-quality materials in the industry. We supply a lot of very high-end custom builders who use traditional, site-built methods. We provide Nashua the same materials that go into those million-dollar homes.”
Steve Calverley, CEO,
Caldera Industries, Boise, ID

Laugh at the

Inside our protected 160,000 square foot plant, it's always dry, shirt-sleeve weather with winds at zero MPH.


It never rains. It never snows. It never sleets or hails. Wind gusts don't tear off just-installed Tyvek. Mud doesn't get tracked onto subfloors. Tradespeople don't lose their footing on wet trusses or their grip on rain-slick wall assemblies. It's just cleaner, safer, and better.

“The products they use are the very best available. We have certain mills that we buy from, and there is a limited number of them.  Those are the only mills we buy from for Nashua, because Nashua 'overbuilds' (to higher standards) everything they put out the door.”
Wayne Clark, Outside Sales
Idaho Western, Nampa, ID

Right now, the construction industry is about a half a million workers short of what's needed. And—depending on which study you look at—we could be short 1.5 million  workers by the end of next year. 

Fortunately, our Boise, ID hometown has been one of the fastest-growing areas in the U.S. for more than a decade. We have a stable and growing supply of skilled workers and experienced tradespeople. That means no slowdowns or disruptions to your build schedule.

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Put our year-round, in-place craftsmen to work on your project.

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